ST. GEORGE — “A Christmas Carol: A New Musical” returns with 20 performances. But this year, the musical offers something a little bit different — inclusionary, sensory-friendly performances, to amplify the experience for all attendees.

The cast puts on “A Christmas Carol: A New Musical” by Encore Performing Arts inside the Electric Theater in St. George, Utah, Circa 2022 | Photo by Alan Holben Photography courtesy of Adam Record, St. George News

“It was unbelievable,” Encore Performing Arts Executive Director Abbey Pearson said about last year’s show. “There’s just a spiritual piece to it that just can touch a person individually. They take that home with them and apply it to their lives. And that’s what the music does, and that’s what the story does — it really touches your heart.”

While many people previously had seen “A Christmas Carol,” their reaction last year to Encore’s twist on the classic came back with rave reviews. Director Rhett Guter, who also wrote the script, said his favorite part was honoring the spirit of what Charles Dickens wrote while leveraging it with experiential theatricality. 

Guter said last year, they had three missions: implement an educational model for young artists to work with professional actors; create a holiday tradition for Southern Utah; and craft a sustainable product that could be offered annually to help fund the education of more young artists. And they accomplished all three.

“We sold out every week,” Encore Artistic Director Adam Record said. “We had to add three last-minute performances, and even those sold out.”

Actor/Director Corbin Allred plays Ebenezer Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol: A New Musical” by Encore Performing Arts inside the Electric Theater in St. George, Utah, Circa 2022 | Photo by Alan Holben Photography courtesy of Adam Record, St. George News

Record said they will put on two versions of the show this year. The regular show will have a few upgrades and tweaks from last year, including two new songs. The newest and most exciting part for the staff, the cast and the community, however, are two brand-new sensory-friendly performances. To help facilitate this, the staff have been trained by a group of women who work with special needs children and have special needs children of their own.

“Those with sensory needs, autism and special needs can come and enjoy the show,” Record said. “We set the house lights to half, we take out the big loud noises, big lights and scary moments.”

Before the performance, actors will introduce themselves, letting the audience know there’s nothing to fear; they are simply actors playing a character. For the sensory-friendly performances, Record said they already have over 100 committed attendees.

But the show isn’t just for those with auditory issues or sensory impairments; it’s also for their families, who otherwise would normally avoid going to a show such as this.

The cast puts on “A Christmas Carol: A New Musical” by Encore Performing Arts inside the Electric Theater in St. George, Utah, Circa 2022 | Photo by Alan Holben Photography courtesy of Adam Record, St. George News

“Everyone here is going to be popping or playing on their iPad or have headphones or going to be screaming or making noises or need to get up and walk around,” Record said. “And that’s all totally acceptable for this performance.”

Guter said inclusive performances are becoming more prevalent nationally but not locally, and they hope to change that.

“It’s amazing for them, it’s amazing for the families, but sort of selfishly, it’s amazing for the artists to learn about what it means to make space,” Guter said. “That’s kind of a term I keep going back to – make space. Let’s make space for everybody.”

He recalled how touched he was by the opportunity to perform in his first inclusive show back east. It helped him grow not only as an artistic performer but as a person. 

Due to the hardships families with disabled children may face, Encore wants to make sure the sensory-friendly shows are financially accessible and allow families to pay only what they can afford.

The cast puts on “A Christmas Carol: A New Musical” by Encore Performing Arts inside the Electric Theater in St. George, Utah, Circa 2022 | Photo by Alan Holben Photography courtesy of Adam Record, St. George News

As the show returns for its second year, professional actor Adam Cheney will return as Jacob Marley and the Ghost of Christmas Present. Professional actor Corbin Allred will return as the miser Ebenezer Scrooge.

Allred said he was overwhelmed by the amazing response the community had to last year’s performances and is proud to be sharing the experience with the community again this year. He’s particularly excited to offer sensory-friendly performances so that all individuals can attend.

Some of last year’s young artists will also be back in their roles. Encore created two new casts of young actors this year, known as the Red Cast and Green Cast.

Guter said having two casts lightens the burden on young actors and allows them to put on more shows. It also adds an educational component by having actors step out and watch others perform their roles.

“It’s been really fun to watch these young artists grow and progress and have gotten to this point,” Pearson said. “I think they feel the impact of the privilege that it is to be able to be a part of this experience.”

The cast puts on “A Christmas Carol: A New Musical” by Encore Performing Arts inside the Electric Theater in St. George, Utah, Circa 2022 | Photo by Alan Holben Photography courtesy of Adam Record, St. George News

With all-original music, Record said it has been rewarding to watch the music he created in his “jammies” come to life on stage with heart and soul. And watching the reaction of attendees as they left the performance last year is something he will never forget.

“I remember one night I watched like 20 people come out, and their faces were just red and stained with tears,” Record said. “That’s what the story can do.”

“A Christmas Carol: A New Musical” will run from Monday, Nov. 27, to Dec. 12. To learn more about the nonprofit Encore and their mission, visit their website.

Event details

What: Encore Presents: Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol: A New Musical” 
When: Monday, Nov. 27, through Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Electric Theater, 68 E. Tabernacle St. in  St. George.
Admission: Tickets are $23 for adults and $13 for children 12 and under.
Purchase tickets at this link.

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