ST. GEORGE — With the general obligation bond for trails, parks and recreation passed by voters last year, the St. George is ready to jumpstart a long list of related projects spread across the city.
This file photo shows aging playground equipment at Mathis Park in St. George that is set to be replaced. Up to six parks will are project to have their own playgrounds replaced soon thanks to the passage of a $29 million general obligation bond the voters approved last November, St. George, Utah, Jan. 4, 2024 | Photo by Mori Kessler. St. George News
Shane Moore, the city’s parks and community services director, shared a list of those projects with the St. George City Council during its Thursday work meeting that are set to begin over the next two years. These items are a part of a larger list of over 30 projects city park officials plan to build.
“We are ready to move forward with 20 of them,” Moore said as he highlighted a list of projects on a slide that were split evenly in two columns between fiscal years 2025 and 2026.
The FY 2025 projects were being engineered with plans to break ground as soon as possible, Moore said. He also said he expects the bulk of the projects to be constructed within those years with any lingering work being wrapped up in FY 2027.
Among the 2025 projects of note he mentioned were the Las Colinas and Curly Hollow parks, which make up two of the three “flagship” projects for Moore’s department, and noted how vocal area residents had been about wanting those parks built.
“The communities have really reached out to you about these,” Moore told the council.
The third flagship project, set for 2026, involves upgrades to the Dixie Sunbowl.
A list of pending parks and recreation projects to be pursued by the city of St. George’s Parks and Community Services over the next two fiscal years, St. George, Utah, Feb. 8, 2024 | Photo by Mori Kessler, St. George News
While he spoke in general about many of the projects, Moore said the first phase of the Curly Hollow Park will include an “adventure park,” while improvements planned for the Little Valley will see the addition of a new skate park and more outdoor lighting.
“This an ambitious project, but I think we can do it,” he said.
Among the 20 projects listed by Moore are up to six parks that are set to have their aging playgrounds replaced.
“We’re going to see dirt flying on these probably in April or May,” he said.
It was reported earlier this year that the Mathis and Royal Oaks parks were having their old playgrounds replaced. However, those projects are being funded though Recreation, Arts and Parks tax revenues and not the recreation bond.
“People will be excited to get new playgrounds,” Mayor Michele Randall said.
The estimated costs of the listed projects is around $15 million, with the interest projected to be around 3.98% based on current market conditions.
A render of the proposed Dixie Technical Collage road sign that may be hung on light post on a segment of St. George Boulevard | Image courtesy of the city of St. George, St. George News
The City Council is scheduled to vote on parameters surrounding the bond’s use during is March 7 council meeting. The city is expected to close on the bond by April 25.
In other business, the City Council discussed the placement of signs promoting Dixie Technical College on light poles on a segment of St. George Boulevard.
The potential creation of a National Historical District in the downtown was also discussed. The designation is largely honorary and does not restrict what a property may do with their property unless it is involved in a project that includes federal funds.
Benefits of being within a historic district include possible tax credit at the state level and the ability to apply for certain grants.
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