FEATURE — It can be emotional for children and parents alike when children leave the care and responsibility of one parent to be with the other parent. Establishing a positive routine for these transitions is beneficial for residential parents, nonresidential parents and children.

Although there is no correct way to handle these transitions, good communication about how it will happen can make it easier for everyone. Consider these tips.

Select a set pickup and return time. Having a set time when children are picked up and returned creates continuity for them. It is important that they know what to expect and when. If something unforeseen happens and a parent cannot make the visit or pickup time when planned, they should let the children and other parent know as soon as possible.

Choose a pickup location. It may be beneficial to pick up children at a neutral location. This could be daycare, school, a grandparent’s house or afterschool activities. This will lower the chances that the children will become caught in the middle of their parent’s conflict. It will also help children avoid saying goodbye and leaving one parent to be with the other.

Ease children’s feelings of guilt and stress. Children often feel guilty when they leave a parent, and it can be difficult for them to go through repeated separations and reunions. Parents should encourage their children to talk about their feelings. Children need to know from both parents that it is okay to love and see the other parent. It is important that children are not used as spies or messengers between parents.

Staged image portraying custody and separation issues during a divorce | Photo by ronstik/Getty Images, St. George News

Get to know your children’s friends. Allowing children to invite friends to the house or to join your family activities shows them their parents are interested and care about who they spend time with. 

Involve nonresidential parents. Children need regular contact with their nonresidential parent. Both parents should stay actively involved in their child’s life. A positive relationship and regular connection with the nonresidential parent help promote a positive adjustment for the child.

Get involved in children’s school activities. Nonresidential parents should make an effort to attend parent-teacher conferences, sporting events, and other activities. This keeps parents involved and lets children know that both parents want to be there for them.

Establish regular household routines. Avoid the “Disneyland parent” syndrome of doing strictly fun activities when the children visit. Children need structure and routines. Knowing what to expect when they are at each house will make the transition easier for them.

Written by SHANNON CROMWELL, Utah State University Extension associate professor, 913- 244-8824.

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