CEDAR CITY — Living in Iron County offers an unparalleled blend of natural beauty, tight-knit community and opportunities for a fulfilling lifestyle.
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We enjoy a wealth of outdoor recreational activities year-round, cultural and music celebrations, in addition to celebrating the area’s agricultural heritage. It’s easy to see why so many of us choose to live in Iron County.
However, living in a rural county often comes with its unique set of challenges, including limited job opportunities. Fortunately, in today’s digital age, remote work has emerged as a transformative solution that can revolutionize the way rural residents approach employment.
The USU Extension Office in Iron County will be holding a Remote Work Open House where residents can come and learn about the four programs offered by the Remote Online Initiative to support remote work and e-commerce.
Interested? Some compelling reasons why you should consider remote work while living in a rural county:
Potential Increase in Salary
Stock image | Photo by Andrii Zastrozhnov/Getty Images Plus, St. George News
The Remote Online Initiative 2022 Annual Program Report states that “the total salaries across all participants of the Certified Remote Work Professional Course who found remote work increased by 73%.”
In the 2021 Annual Report, participants who found remote work experienced an increase in median salary of 88%. Remote work often allows employees to access job opportunities beyond their immediate geographical area, opening doors to roles in regions with higher pay scales. This flexibility can enable individuals to pursue positions with higher earning potential that may not have been feasible in the rural setting.
Savings Costs
Additionally, remote work can lead to cost savings for both employees and employers, such as reduced overhead expenses for office space and commuting costs. Graduates of the Certified Remote Work Professional Course in 2022 who started working remotely had a reduction in total miles driven per month of 46%. This equated to a personal savings of $81 per month across all participants who found remote work due to lower fuel expenses.
Increased Productivity
Stock image | Photo by AndreyPopov/Getty Images Plus, St. George News
Furthermore, remote work can enhance productivity and work-life balance, leading to increased job satisfaction and employee retention. In fact, a two-year Stanford Study shows that working from home led to a 13% performance increase for employees. As remote workers have greater control over their environment and schedule, they may experience less stress and burnout, allowing them to focus more effectively on their tasks and contribute meaningfully to their organizations.
Ultimately, the combination of expanded job opportunities, cost savings and improved work-life balance associated with remote work can create opportunities for salary growth and financial advancement.
In conclusion, remote work holds immense promise for rural residents seeking to expand their career opportunities. By embracing remote work, individuals living in rural counties can access economic opportunities, achieve a better work-life balance and cut costs associated with driving into the office.
This file photo shows USU Extension -Rural Online Initiative’s Statewide Program Coordinator Jake Marino on a Zoom call with St. George News, May 16, 2022 | Zoom screenshot, St. George News
As remote work continues to redefine the future of work, rural regions stand poised to harness its transformative potential and unlock a new era of prosperity, innovation and opportunity beyond city limits.
We invite you to learn more at our Remote Work Open House on March 25 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Iron County Extension Office. Those interested can drop by anytime during that time frame at 585 N. Main St. #4, Cedar City, Utah.
Meagan Johnston is the Utah State University Extension faculty in the Home and Community Department for Iron County. Those with questions or comments email Johnson or call 435-267-1753.
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