FEATURE — The first full moon of 2024 promises to stimulate matters of the heart, and have us all feeling a little a desire to stand out.

A full moon at 5 degrees Leo will adorn the sky Thursday at approximately 10:53 a.m. MDT. The fixed fire sign of Leo is characterized by strength, bravery and creative self-expression.

Full moons are associated with culminations, celebrations and endings. The energy begins to build about three days before and can last up to two weeks. Full moons pull emotions to the surface and unveil underlying matters. So in Leo, a sign that rules the heart, this full moon intensifies emotions and calls for us to share our inherent gifts with others. This is a time to radically be and love ourselves.

Ruled by the sun, Leo can be further understood by considering aspects of the star of our solar system. It is the sun that brings warmth and animates life, entering and exiting the day with vibrant sunsets and sunrises. It is the sun that allows seeds to germinate and grow. The sun is a source of creation, and it is this same energy on offer now.

In opposition to the sun in Aquarius, the full moon activates the axis of social connection. Both signs love to bring people together. But in polarity, Leo connects by being in the center, while Aquarius connects with the whole of humanity from afar, which is why they are sometimes perceived as detached.

The full moon will form a square aspect with Jupiter in Taurus and oppose Pluto, which just entered Aquarius last week. While this is a more challenging aspect, Jupiter and Saturn connect harmoniously at the same time, indicating a time of melding dreams with reality. This triggers a boost in optimism and confidence that we can create the life we want, while also being able to envision the practical steps to get there.

So what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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Your creativity is magnified now, dear Aries, as this full moon activates your fifth house of self-expression, children, pleasure and romance. This is a time to enjoy activities that bring you joy and bring about your playful nature. Creative projects could come full circle now, and some could receive recognition. Collaborations with others are favored now, as well as sharing what you’ve been working on and taking risks with how you produce creative work.

April 20-May 20

How well are you managing your work-life balance? This will be a question that comes into focus as the full moon illuminates your fourth house of home and family, dear Taurus. In past weeks, you may have been working hard on your career goals, but now is a time when matters at home may draw your attention. Home renovations could see completion during this time. This moon also indicates a need to nurture yourself and shore up your inner resilience, as this serves as the root from which all else flourishes in your life.

May 21–June 20

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Restlessness may have crept in over the last few weeks and had you yearning for adventure or novel experiences, dear Gemini. Now, a full moon in your third house turns your focus to matters related to your immediate community. Communication and learning are highlighted, as well as a need to express your ideas more passionately. Creative writing is highly favored, and you could produce something exceptional. The need to alter your transportation methods also could arise. With the influence of Jupiter, you may feel tempted to engage in escapist behaviors. But aim to do what needs to be done first.

June 21–July 22

In recent weeks, your attention has likely been on matters of shared resources, intimacy or issues with control. But with this full moon activating your second house, your focus now turns to money and comfort, dear Cancer. This indicates a rather indulgent time when you want to taste, smell, touch, see and feel things that make you feel good. A night out at your favorite restaurant with a special someone could feel ultra romantic. This lunar energy also amplifies a desire to spend, so it’s important to be mindful of impulsive shopping.

July 23–August 22

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With this full moon happening in your sign, dear Leo, you may feel the need for a bit of extra attention this week. Triggering the axis of relationships, Thursday begins a two-week cycle of culminations highlighting imbalances between give and take with those around you. It may feel that you are unable to disguise your emotions. And because of this, it’s important to try to be mindful of what’s coming up for you, rather than giving in to emotional outbursts. A tendency to overexert yourself can be a byproduct of this lunar influence. 10th house matters of career are intertwined with this energy, which could entail that your need to shine may be related to work or your legacy.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

A desire to withdraw overwhelms you now, dear Virgo, as this full moon illuminates your 12th house of the subconscious. But this lunar influence also has to do with patterns that govern the quality of your well-being. It’s time to ask yourself: who or what am I serving? If you have been spending too much time self-sacrificing, these imbalances reveal themselves now. It’s important to serve others, but not at the expense of neglecting yourself. Habits and vices often arise out of emotional discomfort. Examine what you’re using to self-soothe and how you might better serve yourself.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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This full moon signifies a vibrant, social time for you, dear Libra, as it lights up your 11th house of friendships and future dreams. Time spent with like-minded people helps unravel a deeper understanding of yourself and your role in the community. Collaborations are favored, especially those that benefit society at large. As a part of this, a situation could arise over the next two weeks that prompts you to need to help a friend. This lunar energy also highlights your wildest dreams and ignites your drive to take steps toward that vision.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

Activating your natal 10th house, this full moon pulls matters of career and legacy to the surface, dear Scorpio. If you’ve been feeling disconnected from what you do, this lunar energy could trigger you to search for a way to reignite the passion in your work. And it may be that increased attention on you in the work sphere catalyzes this. You may be asked to step up as a leader or circumstances may require you to change the way you do something. Rather than looking to someone else, this is a time to trust in your unique talents to meet the demand. A promotion, raise or recognition also are on offer.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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Illuminating your natal ninth house, this full moon ignites your adventurous spirit, dear Sagittarius. Recent weeks have likely caused your attention to be on mundane affairs, but now you’re confronting the deeper meaning of life. Your personal beliefs come to the forefront and you have a desire for novel experiences and to expand your understanding of the world. Part of this means escaping your normal routine to feel alive in a new way.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

Activating your natal eighth house, this full moon unveils the balance between give and take, dear Capricorn. Matters of shared resources, intimacy and personal power are pulled to the surface now, and it’s time to consider how well you feel your needs are being met. Power struggles could surface as a result. The eighth house rules the birth-death cycle, which could signify that something is coming to a close now or reaching a culmination and may be related to a romantic partner, a creative project or a child in your life. If you’ve been looking for some type of financial support, you may hear news in the coming weeks.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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Since the sun entered your sign last week, you’ve likely been focused on yourself and what you hope to accomplish in the next year, dear Aquarius. But now, this full moon lights up the sign opposite yours, turning your attention to relationships. For some, this could indicate a time when a relationship is put to the test, and you may need to find a way to compromise for the relationship to continue to move forward. Others could experience a type of celebration or ceremony with a loved one.

Feb. 19 – March 20

Under the light of this full moon in your natal sixth house, you’re likely to feel a wave of resolution with something in your daily life that is disrupting your well-being, dear Pisces. With this, you may abruptly quit a habit or finally commit to a goal related to work or health. A situation or circumstance could prompt you to make this move, and you’ll be happy you did. This lunar energy reminds you that it is the small details of a day that add up to a life, which turns your focus to how you spend your time. Time drains fast when we are living detached from the moment.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

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