ST. GEORGE — Clift Spendlove’s sense of humor has kept him 107 years young.

L-R: The family of Clift Spendlove celebrates his 107 birthday at the Southern Utah Veterans Home Ivins, Jim McArthur, son, Clift Spendlove, Ethan McArthur, great grandson, Angie McArthur, granddaughter and daughter, Jolene Allphin, Ivins, Utah, March 13, 2024 | Photo by Stephanie DeGraw, St. George News

The veteran’s daughter, Jolene Allphin, told a large birthday gathering at the Southern Utah Veterans Home Ivins on Wednesday that his jocularity is the secret to his long life.

Spendlove served in the Marine Corps in World War II. His daughter shared that he likes to say that when his armored unit rolled into Pilson, Czechoslovakia, toward the end of the war, “Hitler heard he was coming and surrendered.”

Allphin said her father served in World War II, the Korean War and was still enlisted during the Vietnam War. Spendlove told her he is often asked if he killed anyone during the war. He always replies, “I don’t know for sure, but I might have killed a few; I was the company cook.”

Allphin said her father has been widowed twice, though he’s still very social and has many lady friends.

The Bar None Wranglers performs at Clift Spendlove’s 107th birthday party at the Southern Utah Veterans Home Ivins on Wednesday, Ivins, Utah, March 13, 2024 | Photo by Stephanie DeGraw, St. George News

“My father has many friends. He loves to be around people,” Allphin said. “He’s interested in people and he loves other veterans. He loves you, so this day is your day to celebrate as well.”

Washington City councilman Kurt Ivie told St. George News he has always been inspired by Spendlove. They have been friends for seven years and have ridden in the Veterans Day Parade together.

“I’m so proud of him. He’s an example of service, humility and giving back to his community. He’s 107 years old and has one of the best senses of humor I’ve ever heard,” Ivie said. “He’s a great man. I’ve learned so much from him. I appreciate the way the community supports him and appreciates him, not only him but all of our veterans.”

Ivie said many veterans gave a lot for our current way of life in the country. He hopes Americans continue to honor veterans by living with respect, courage and showing the same support as veterans have given the United States.

Clift Spendlove chats with a fellow veteran at his 107th birthday party at the Southern Utah Veterans Home Ivins, Ivins, Utah, March 13, 2024 | Photo by Stephanie DeGraw, St. George News

Ivie also pointed out the framed flag on display at Spendlove’s birthday party. A citizen in Washington City brought the flag to his attention. The flag flew over the USS Utah at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.

Ivie said the USS Utah became dubbed by history as the forgotten ship. Many people didn’t know its story because other stories were bigger, like the Arizona, the Oklahoma and the entire story of the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

“But you would know this because a lot of you were there or you’re a part of this history,” Ivie said. “But the USS Utah took the first bomb of World War II. It was the first one that was hit.”

Ivie said that he is glad that the Utah Legislature passed a concurrent resolution recognizing the USS Utah, which will encourage towns to highlight the history of the attack on the USS Utah at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.

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