CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — Emotional support animals can be a valuable source of support for people with mental health conditions. However, there are many scams out there that sell worthless ESA letters. This article will help you identify and avoid these scams and tell you how to get a valid ESA letter in Utah.
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What is an ESA letter?
An ESA letter is a document from a licensed mental health professional that states that you have a mental health condition and that an ESA is necessary to help you manage your condition. ESA letters are not required by law, but they can be helpful for obtaining housing accommodations.
How to get a valid ESA letter in Utah
The only way to get a valid ESA letter in Utah is to see a licensed mental health or medical professional in Utah. These professionals will assess your condition and determine whether an ESA is appropriate for you. If appropriate, you’ll be issued an ESA letter.
When choosing a health care professional, it is important to be aware of the following scams:
Online ESA letter mills: These websites offer ESA letters for a fee, but they often do not require any medical or mental health assessment. The ESA letters from these websites are not valid.
Mental health professionals who offer ESA letters without a thorough assessment and ongoing care: A reputable mental health professional will not write you an ESA letter without first conducting a thorough assessment of your mental health condition and engaging you in clinical care.
How to avoid ESA letter scams
Here are a few things you can do to avoid ESA letter scams:
Do your research. Before you see a mental health professional to get an ESA letter, research the professional’s credentials and reputation. You can check the Utah Division of Professional Licensing to verify that the professional is licensed.
Ask questions. When you see a mental health professional to get an ESA letter, ask them about their experience in writing ESA letters and their assessment process.
Be wary of quick and easy ESA letters. A reputable mental health professional will not write you an ESA letter without first conducting a thorough assessment of your mental health condition. If a mental health professional offers you an ESA letter without a thorough assessment and therapeutic care, be wary.
“The majority of online ESA companies offer to write ESA letters for a fee,” said Chaz Stevens, CEO of zProductions. “You get a quick consult and letter, along with a vague statement of being under your provider’s care. Just bogus.”
Portrait of zProductions CEO Chaz Stevens, location and date not specified | Photo courtesy of Chaz Stevens, St. George News / Cedar City News
Most documents aren’t approved
A startling 60% of assistance animal accommodation requests are rebuffed for failure to adhere to stringent Fair Housing Act directives, including the following:
A reliable declaration of the disability and how the ESA for anxiety, depression or other conditions is essential. This connection is vital, especially when the disability isn’t immediately evident or the animal’s primary role is to offer emotional solace.
An ongoing treating relationship between the tenant and the mental health expert is essential. The importance of a legitimate therapist can’t be understated.
Where to get a valid ESA letter in Utah
There are many reputable Utah mental health professionals who can write an ESA letter, such as:
Your primary care doctor: Your primary care doctor may be able to write you an ESA letter.
A mental health therapist: A mental health therapist can assess your mental health condition and write you an ESA letter.
ESADoggy: ESADoggy is a reputable company that provides ESA letters from licensed mental health professionals in Utah.
Getting an ESADoggy Emotional Support Animal letter
ESADoggy offers remote animal-assisted mental health support from Utah board-certified experts. We provide a complete disability evaluation, therapeutic care and a genuine ESA letter of recommendation.
Our track record for providing legitimate emotional support animal letters since 2018 is impeccable – not even one has faced rejection. We’re the first referral stop for many providers and employee assistance programs. Our seasoned team is well-versed in the labyrinth of ESA laws. There are no shortcuts; we ensure every single procedure of ours is above board. Our amazing reviews are the results of a decade of hard work.
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