OPINION — Laws need to change. My dear friend was t-boned in her car while stopped. Obviously, not her fault. The at-fault driver lives on government and church assistance. He had rock bottom basic insurance.
Stock image | Photo by Bilanol/Getty Images, St. George News
My friend was hurt severely, injuries that she has suffered extensively and will continue to experience for the rest of her life. The at-fault party’s insurance will only pay up to $25,000 total because of the rock bottom insurance plan he has. Her car was totaled and her injuries are extensive.
Several fractures in neck and back. Medical bills will be ongoing for life and have already exceeded hundreds of thousands and yet at fault party’s insurance won’t pay anymore than $25K, if that, because it’s basic coverage.
How is it fair to those driving around with proper coverage in the event they should injure another, yet others can buy rock bottom, crap insurance and risk the lives of others driving around should they injure them?
Stock image | Photo by Daniel Tadevosya/iGetty Images, St. George News
Something needs to change. Lawyers can’t do squat because the at fault party had the required basic coverage.
Unfortunately, my friend’s career has ended. It’s affected their family business, her life and health will never be the same, ever again. And she will have continued medical issues the entire rest of her life.
How can Utah laws permit people to live on government and church assistance and drive around on rock bottom insurance coverage putting others lives at risk?
Something needs to change.
Submitted by Angie Fairbanks, St. George, Utah.
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